Ten years ago this week London was rocked by terrorist bombings on the Underground and a No.30 bus in Tavistock Square. As I walked through the square on Tuesday, on my way to work, I passed the small remembrance ceremony taking place around the memorial plaque for the victims. I stopped for five minutes to show my respects.

I walk through Tavistock Square about four days a week these days, and past that plaque. It’s a constant reminder of ten years ago when I came through Euston station at the same time, and got one of the five buses that I could take up to Islington where I worked. Like thousands of other commuters that morning, I sometimes think that if I was fifteen minutes later I could have been involved in the attack. The No.30 was one of those five buses I could have caught. But most people I’m sure have their own story and can vividly remember where they were on that day.

Having worked at Encompass now for two and a half years I think myself very fortunate to at least have some part to play in peace and tolerance building. I’m also pleased to be part of a team looking to expand what we do, taking our work in to schools and working directly with youth workers to address some of the causes of radicalisation and hatred.

Jason Bowles, Community Development and Fundraising.



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