Encompass would like to extend its deepest condolences to all the families of the victims of the devastating act of terrorin Jakarta this morning. Terrorism and loss of life in such tragic circumstances is traumatic, not only for the families but for communities and countries as a whole.

Causing terror to another can never be justified. At Encompass we are working tirelessly to challenge and change prejudiced attitudes; build trust and inter-community cohesion; facilitate initiatives between young people from different communities and countries in a bid to change minds, and in the hope of helping to eradicate such tragic incidents of terror, wherever they may be.

We began our work in Indonesia as a result of the horrific Bali bombings in 2002 and have worked with over 10,000 young people in Indonesia alone over the years and continue to work at grassroots level in Jakarta, Malang and across the country, to enable the change we hope to see.

Jakarta, Istanbul, Quetta. Wherever the world is hurting so are we all. As we reflect on the words of the poet John Donne – spare a thought for all those affected by the tragedies of this morning and indeed the week thus far:

“No man is an island, entire of itself…Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind…”



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