Encompass would like to extend its deepest condolences to all the families of the victims of the devastating attack at Pulse Nightclub, a gay club in Orlando on Sunday morning. This was not just an attack on the lives of the 50 lost and the countless left critically ill, but more pertinently, it was an abhorrent attack on the civil liberties of American society and anyone in the world who values their civil and indeed human liberties.

Over the past few days we have witnessed one of the greatest and most richly diverse funeral services the world has ever seen. People of all faiths, no faith and from all walks of life stood on a shared podium to celebrate the life of  Muhammad Ali; sportsman, philanthropist, civil rights activist and just an extraordinary American. It is therefore even more upsetting that America be rocked with such a great tragedy a mere 48 hours after such a show of togetherness and unity.

We stand with Orlando and with every other civil liberty being attacked the world over. Goodness and humanity will rise above this senseless and mindless hate and barbarity wherever it may be. We have seen this as a direct result of the attack as tens of hundreds of ordinary Americans waited for hours in the heat to donate blood in order to save the lives of their neighbours, friends and even strangers in the wake of the tragedy. Where there is humanity, there will always be hope.

We are Orlando.

We are humanity.

We are all One.



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