Journey of Understanding (JoU) alumnus, Bassam, reflects on what he learnt when taking part in the programme in 2016 and how he has used these skills to become a dialogue facilitator who runs youth workshops, as well as working as a news reporter and TV presenter:

“My Name is Bassam. I became truly sighted for the first time during the Encompass Trust, Journey of Understanding Program. I was able to see my future and the future of my country from many angles. The program empowered me and helped me find myself and discover what I really wanted to do with my life.

Since returning from the program in 2016, nothing has been the same. I went back to my university to continue my studies in accounting, because I once thought that money equaled security, but I realized I was wrong. From the beginning of my university journey, I wasn’t always sure that I wanted that field, and due to my involvement in JOU and the follow-up programs we created, I became sure that it isn’t for me. I want to affect change beginning in my own community and eventually in the world. Every single day I have made it my mission to help others in need, even if it’s just to smile and say hello to someone I see who looks sad or lonely.

My mission began after JOU with my coordinator Karen AbuZant in 2016, while planning and executing our follow up projects in different cities and villages around Palestine. We gave workshops to youth with themes of identity, empowerment, and communication. I can gladly say I was satisfied with the results and I was learning more from the participants with every workshop.

In 2018, I was given the opportunity, through a JOU alumna connection to work in the media field as a news reporter. Then after developing my journalistic skills, I became a TV presenter and established a program called NBC Journal. NBC Journal became a success, it coverers news bulletins, journey’s around Palestine and interviews with youth on a specific topics, that empowers them to give their point of view. I also do studio interviews with special guests, usually a public figure to hear about what they are doing in the community.

In 2019, I was asked join the Palestine TV team which is considered the number one media station in the country. I proposed an international radio broadcast outside the region because we mustn’t keep our voices local but more global. The proposal was accepted by the minister and is now in fact giving Palestinians the opportunity to have a voice. The idea is not to let others speak for us, but to empower Palestinians to speak for themselves! The radio idea has been built upon and now become an on-line podcasts in several languages, about Palestinian life and challenges.

There are no words that can completely express my appreciation and gratitude to Encompass Trust, for helping my begin my journey to find my path in life. Every time I look back to see where it all started, I have to give the credit to Encompass Trust for its patience and generosity. I need to thank you for this amazing experience and support. I hope to further be in touch with Encompass Trust in a much closer scale and empower youth to a higher level alongside my amazing coordinator Karen AbuZant. This isn’t the end of the line for me with Encompass. Through the IntraPal program, I have been training as a dialog facilitator. These skills cross over to my journalism career as well. Encompass has been and will be fir years to come, a positive influence in my life.

My future plans include training in investigative journalism, because I believe there is a lot of corruption in this world that needs to come to light. I want to become the figure who seeks out and speaks the truth through balanced media exposure.”


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