In response to Israel’s planned annexation of the West Bank, Encompass Trust’s founder and Chair Alex Braden said:

“It is time to listen to the voices of young people in the Middle East. ENCOMPASS Trust has worked with Israeli and Palestinian youth since 2003. We have always remained impartial and non-political but, with the impassioned support of both Israeli and Palestinian alumni of ENCOMPASS programmes, we feel that now is the time to give these youth of the Middle East the chance to have their voices heard, when both their own governments totally ignore their futures in favour of the short term interests of those in power. Because of the inherent risks to these young people for speaking out, we have not included their names here – but ENCOMPASS Trust guarantees that all quotations are genuine and original.”

ENCOMPASS has spoken to young Palestinians and Israelis, many of whom are former participants of Encompass’ Journey of Understanding programmes, to get their views:

“Annexation/The Deal of the Century would leave what’s left of a future Palestine without any control over its lands. Every move we make would only be possible with the permission of the Israeli Authority. That includes going to work, university, visiting family members in other cities, visiting places for enjoyment and traveling outside the country. Like Gaza is today, the entire Palestinian population would be in the biggest prison in the world.” – 26 years old male from Gaza

“For the sake of the Palestinian people’s future, and the right to exist on this land, and also for the Palestinian Christians to continue to pray in the place where Jesus was born, the Nativity Church, let’s all stand against the ‘Deal of the Century’ that is being implemented right now during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Especially when media platforms have forgotten that this deal is going on. We are not only living through this virus like the rest of the world, we are being threatened by annexation of our lands by Israel. We can’t forget about the deal and must stand for what is right; our human rights and existence on historical Palestinian lands.” – 19 years old female from Bethlehem

“The plan will cut off all geographical communication, in the West Bank and Gaza, which will become a group of large prisons, so that all lands will be surrounded by settlements, fence, and bypass roads. Other than the Israeli control over the economy, it controls water and all the natural and human resources as well. And the Jordan Valley, which is the source of Palestinian food, will also be under Israeli control.” – 22 years old male from AbuDis

“As a teenager, student, and mentor of a youth movement in Israel, I aspire to live in a democratic society that invests its resources in peace and dialogue and opposes in a clear and strong voice to abusive and violent moves that contradict basic human rights. Therefore, I chose to join the fight against annexation, which is a racist, violent and dangerous move that not only calls into question the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians and living in the Jordan Valley, but also establishes the reality of occupation, racism, death, denial of rights and apartheid.” – 17 years old female from Haifa

“As a child in Israel you grow up in an unstable and scary environment. Every child knows the run to the shelter, the news of a new “military action” in Gaza, of terrorist attacks and the general violent atmosphere. You get older and become aware of the bloody vengeance circle but all the while you hold on to hope. Hope that this is all just bumps on the way to peace. You cannot fathom that anyone will strive for anything other than peace. I once held this naïve hope but any memory of it was erased with Trump and Netanyahu’s apartheid deal. For the sake of personal, foreign and crooked interests these politicians are sacrificing our future and our hope. Annexation means the death of the peace vision. It is our responsibility and duty to strongly and effectively oppose this dangerous plan.” – 18 years old male from Jerusalem

“I grew up believing that peace would come. That some day, the Israeli and Palestinian leaders will find the path to bridge the gaps, build trust and form a way of life that is beneficial for both nations. The annexation abolishes that hope. It will, according to all the specialists, provoke massive waves of violence that will cost the lives of soldiers and civilians. This one sided annexation initiative means that Israel will either become an apartheid state, or it will no longer be a jewish state. I wish to raise my children in a country where it’s leaders strive for peace, not violence. For equality, not racial discrimination. For hope, not despair.” – 29 years old female Tel-Aviv


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