This week’s lockdown diary comes from Encompass alumnus Khaled. Khaled contemplates the unexpected positives that have come out of being under lockdown, including having more time for hobbies and cooking.

“Even though the coronavirus COVID-19 began affecting people’s lives in some countries slightly a bit before others, it only took an international turn with the beginning of the year. Palestine is no stranger to the rest of the countries. COVID-19 began affecting Palestinian territories in March, and several strict measures were taken to prevent the spread of the virus as early as possible. Such measures included declaring a general lockdown with the closure of institutions, shops, schools and universities, mosques and places of worship.

Lockdown in Palestine was well-followed by Palestinians of all fields and groups, who had to find alternative ways of communication and getting work done, given the new circumstances, which didn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. People were prevented from visiting each other, which was probably one of the hardest things during lockdown given that the Palestinian society is a very close and social communities. Others had to put their businesses on hold, employees had to find alternative methods of getting work done and students sat at homes to get their online classes.

Personally, lockdown seemed a little vacation for people, but not for me. Once it was declared, I began working from home, a method soon proved to be successful by showing that people don’t really have to be present at an office or some sort of a workplace to get their job done if the nature of their jobs allows it to be done from a distance. I honestly think more companies and bosses should adapt more of this method even after things go back to normal.

Just like many people, I wasn’t allowed to meet with my friends or visit them as it was prevented. But thanks to several online applications, my friends and I still kept in touch and up-to-date. Of course it wasn’t enjoyable as meeting them in person or face-to-face but given the situation, it got the job done just as good.

I also used the free time I got in lockdown to work more on some hobbies, such as cooking. I, as many others in lockdown has learned new recipes, either out of interest or necessity, due to limited resources/ingredients. Who hasn’t learned a receipe or two during lockdown? Needless to say, it was such an enjoyable experience to learn something new, and share my creations with my family.

To sum up, lockdown affected Palestinians’ lives just like it affected people around the world. People, as part of their communities, had to find other ways of communications among each other to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are all hoping life goes back to normal soon, but until then, should take advantage of the extra time it has created for us.”


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